"The Impossible Catch" by Noah

“The Impossible Catch” by Noah

When I was a kid, fishing was a part of the way I would spend my time. I would ride my bike down to the Sacramento river and fish for afternoons to pass time. Nothing was better than hooking a fish and feeling a large tug on the end of the line. No greater feeling of seeing what would come up from the depth’s. I always imagined hooking the mother load of a leviathan. One morning there was a tournament in the marina bait shop. My childhood friend Matt and I saw something exciting as we planned for a day at the marina. The sign hung behind the manager said, “Biggest catch of the day wins a prize”. Well, little did I know there was an oil rig that had spilled in the river and effected a bunch of fish. In fact, fishing wasn’t going to happen within a few miles of our location. The usual fisherman in their high class boats would normally come in from the day with 6-10 foot fish on their floors. Today yielded nothing for them. However, for me, I was walking along the marina and saw a couple fish coming near shore that were HUGE! Never have I seen these fish this close! Matt and I ran down to the waters edge and literally tried to wrangle and catch one with our bare hands. We even tried to make a spear with our little swiss army pocket knife. We managed to muscle this beast into our wagon. Upon walking in the door of the bait shop the manager was shocked knowing the circumstances of the day. He awarded us with a six pack of Fanta Orange drink. You would have thought we won the lottery. We drank ourselves sick and took the fish home to show our families. We smelt of dead fish, we were sick with soda but we were proud.

Categories: The Kid in Me

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